Postgraduate training

We propose an innovative approach to teaching

Our academic offering is pioneering on the continent as it promotes education in health policies with a perspective focused on Latin America and the Caribbean. Through Free Courses, the Specialization and Master’s Degree in Health Systems and Policies, we seek to provide students with the necessary tools to face the challenges posed by health systems in our region.

It is made up of the most outstanding professors in the area, both for their academic quality and for their professional trajectories linked to health policies and systems at a Latin American and global level.

With the aim of providing equal opportunities, we developed a teaching strategy with online, blended and in-person options.

Free courses

The free courses provide credits for the Specialization and Master’s Degree, in case you decide to advance in higher academic training.

Public health policies and health systems

Course purpose

Knowledge of public policies allows us to understand the response that countries currently provide to the main health problems. From an interdisciplinary perspective, the analysis involves considering three moments in the process of the health policy cycle: the formation of the agenda and the formulation of solutions; the implementation of public policy; and, finally, its monitoring and evaluation. Likewise, the study of international and national institutions are basic elements for a complete understanding of the present field of study.

Sociology of health systems

Course purpose

From a social science perspective, mainly based on sociology, this course aims to analyze the complexity of the processes of health policy development and its implementation, taking into account the historical, political, cultural and social contexts that underlie it. in it and that must be recognized when studying it. In this way, it seeks to introduce a theoretical framework that allows the student to understand the elements of health processes from the Theory of Complexity, and specifically, that of Systems Thinking.

Industrial organization of health systems

Course purpose

The purpose of this course is to provide tools for the understanding and microeconomic analysis of markets: their structures, concentration mechanisms, competition and strategic behavior. Special emphasis will be placed on the study of markets for health goods and services. Microeconomics has shown great evolution in recent years, incorporating elements of game theory, firm behavior and its interaction with regulation theory, among others. And, as a consequence, it has produced profound implications in the health ecosystem. It is expected that at the end of the course the assistant will be able to apply this knowledge to the discussion of everyday situations within the framework of a national health system.

With the approval of the three free courses you obtain a Specialization in Health Systems Analysis and Policies

Master’s degree

Master in Health Systems and Policies

The Master’s Degree in Health Systems and Policies is developed in alliance with the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Colombia (Bogotá headquarters), the University of Bergen in Norway and the Center for Society Studies of Argentina.

It is designed to be taken virtually in three semesters and develops four major components in its study plan:

Foundation component

Complementary component

Investigative component

Optional component

Consistent with its nature as a Master’s Degree in Research, 45% of the program is dedicated to the research component, 15% complementary training that joins 10% optional training according to the students’ interests.

The Master’s Degree in Health Systems and Policies allows us to articulate knowledge of specific management policies and practices with the conception of health and the way in which it is materialized through a national system, beyond the provision of services or of attention.

* For more information about the Master’s Degree, contact